
Battery Simulation with DC power supply R&S®NGM200
This application note is about creating your own battery model for the RandS®NGM200, beyond the standard...

21ST CENTURY SECURITY: Understanding High Security Contacts
It is apparent that many older specifcations for government and military security contacts were based...

Connecting Peripherals to an Android Platform
This white paper will describe some of the options for connecting peripheral accessories to Android OS...

Custom power without custom pain
Despite the best intentions at the outset of an electronic product' s design, it's commonplace for the...

Datacenter Performance
We're seeing connectivity reaching everywhere and reaching further, with Internet traffic volume exploding...

The Efficiency Challenge
With the digital expansion over the past few decades, new requirements for data centers to store, transmit,...

Top 10 Concerns For Signal Connections
As more and more devices are added to the plant floor, secure and reliable signal connections are of...

Pushing Hall Effect Technology to New Limits
Reducing energy consumption and improving efficiency are targeted outcomes for most power electronics...

Advantages of Stamped and Formed Technologies in Power Connectors
Tyco Electronics has developed and produced power connectors using alternative manufacturing technologies...

Accurate Test Fixture Characterization and Deembedding
For measurements of non-connectorized devices, test fixtures, probes or other structures are used to...

Fiber-to-the-Antenna Installation Best Practices for the Tower Hand
Consumer appetite for high-speed mobile devices and services shows no sign of slowing. Smart phones and...
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